Vision and Mission
To become a school that produces generations with Christ-like character and leadership qualities that are impactful in transforming the nation. |
MissionEquipping future generation students through a holistic education process and based on the values and views of the Bible so that they grow 1. Training the future generations as disciples of Christ to take their God-given leadership roles. (CHARACTER) |
Pursuing truthContinuous learning/ learning as a lifestyle, Up to date (knowledge), Passionate / strong believe, Creativity) 2 Tim 3:7; 2 Thes 3: 10 |
Valuing individualValuing individual as well as corporate (because we are created in the image of God, even Christ died for an individual), Positive attitude (believe our student) Gen 1: 26 |
Prioritizing spiritual lifeSpiritual issues (as our priority), Sensitivity to the Spirit, Servant’s heart (humility) Rom 8:6 |